Help & Faqs

How do I use my program?


When you sign into your account for the first time you will be guided through a series of onboarding questions to help us create your tailored portal. To start, you will be asked to select your Journey. There are six Journey options to choose from:

  • Mass – designed to support muscle growth and strength gains
  • Define – designed to develop muscle tone and definition
  • Weight Loss – designed to facilitate fat loss and increase lean muscle mass
  • Reboot – designed to nurture digestive health and overall wellbeing
  • Ageing Well - designed to keep your muscles and bones strong so that you can age well
  • Hormone Health - designed to help you recover from change or stressful events and honour your hormones

Once you select your Journey, set your goals and enter a few more basic details you will land on your home screen!


On the website platform, your home screen provides a snapshot of your day. Today’s Menu provides recipe ideas for each meal and snack and Today’s Workout provides two exercise suggestions for the day – a session that can be completed at the gym and one that can be completed at home.

On the website and app platforms you will also find your progress tracker on your home screen, where you can track weekly progress.


Within the nutrition section of your account you will see two options:

  • Make Your Own (MYO)
  • Your Menu

The MYO meal plan contains lists of protein, carbohydrate, fat and fruit/vegetable food options for every meal and snack. Choose one ingredient from each section and combine these to make a quick and easy meal, or something a little more involved if desired! The options in each category differ at each meal but do not change from day to day.

Your Menu displays healthy and nutrient rich recipe suggestions for every meal and snack. By clicking REFRESH you can skip through your recipe options until you find what you want to make. Click VIEW RECIPE to see the ingredients list and method of a particular recipe, the shopping trolley / list icon to add ingredients to your shopping list, or the star icon to add the recipes to your Favourites. 

The Recipe Library contains the full database of recipes - search by Meal Type, Dietary Requirements, Calories Per Serve and Keyword to find recipes that suit your dietary preferences.


In this section of your account you will find a database of educational and self-development resources including articles and videos along with related tasks or activities for you to complete. These resources are designed to enhance your knowledge around all things health and wellbeing.


This is where you will find your daily Workout Programs. These programs are tailored based on the Journey you select. Your program changes daily, keeping you interested and motivated in your sessions. And they are sure to challenge you whether you're heading into the gym or training at home. Simply click START WORKOUT to view the program.

Each exercise in your program is linked to an instructional video to view if you are unsure of technique or how to perform an exercise.


This is where you will find the member's only forum. Here you can communicate with our team of health professionals as well as share your ideas, struggles and successes with your fellow members! The forum is monitored daily by our team - we are here to answer questions, provide guidance and motivation, and generally point you in the right direction whenever you need it! Please introduce yourself and start engaging with your community as soon as you can, we guarantee sharing your Journey and offering advice and motivation where you can will make your experience all the more rewarding!

Click START NEW DISCUSSION to create your post, and SUBMIT when you’re done!

If you have any further questions about the system and how to use it, please get in touch with us via email.


Chat to us on 0800 666 374 (NZ) or 1300 666 374 (AU), or email us below.

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